Sunday, December 12, 2010


One of my favourite poets: Maulana Jelaluddin Rumi

Draw it now from Eternity's Jar

Come, come, awaken all true drunkards!
Pour the wine that is Life itself!
O cupbearer of the Eternal Wine,
Draw it now from Eternity’s Jar!
This wine doesn’t run down the throat
But it looses torrents of words!
Cupbearer, make my soul fragrant as musk,
This noble soul of mine that knows the Invisible!
Pour out the wine for the morning drinkers!
Pour them this subtle and priceless musk!
Pass it around to everyone in the assembly
In the cups of your blazing drunken eyes!
Pass a philter from your eyes to everyone else’s
In a way the mouth knows nothing of,
For this is the way cupbearers always offer
The holy and mysterious wine to lovers.
Hurry, the eyes of every atom in Creation
Are famished for this flaming-out of splendour!
Procure for yourself this fragrance of musk
And with it split open the breast of heaven!
The waves of the fragrance of this musk
Drive all Josephs out of their minds forever!

- Rumi

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image (c) Bushra11, 2010

Maulana Jelaluddin Rumi, Muslim Sufi Poet

The Agony and Ecstasy

The Agony and Ecstasy of Divine Discontent:
The Moods of Rumi

In the orchard and rose garden
I long to see your face.
In the taste of Sweetness
I long to kiss your lips.
In the shadows of passion
I long for your love.

Oh! Supreme Lover!
Let me leave aside my worries.
The flowers are blooming
with the exultation of your Spirit.

By Allah!
I long to escape the prison of my ego
and lose myself
in the mountains and the desert.

These sad and lonely people tire me.
I long to revel in the drunken frenzy of your love
and feel the strength of Rustam in my hands.

I’m sick of mortal kings.
I long to see your light.
With lamps in hand
the sheiks and mullahs roam
the dark alleys of these towns
not finding what they seek.

You are the Essence of the Essence,
The intoxication of Love.
I long to sing your praises
but stand mute
with the agony of wishing in my heart.

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Maulana Rumi, Muslim Sufi Poet

O Love

O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now,
Be all – worlds dissolve into your
       stainless endless radiance,
Frail living leaves burn with your brighter
        than cold stares –
Make me your servant, your breath, your core. 

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Saturday, December 11, 2010


The fool thinks he has won a battle when he bullies with harsh speech,
but knowing how to be forbearing alone makes one victorious.
Samyutta Nikaya I, 163

Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise.
Surangama Sutra

Develop the mind of equilibrium.
You will always be getting praise and blame,
but do not let either affect the poise of the mind:
follow the calmness, the absence of pride.
Sutta Nipata

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A brahmin once asked The Blessed One:
"Are you a God?"
"No, brahmin" said The Blessed One.
"Are you a saint?"
"No, brahmin" said The Blessed One.
"Are you a magician?"
"No, brahmin" said The Blessed One.
"What are you then?"
"I am awake."

See the truth, and you will see me.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Zen Poem

Sacred-Texts         Buddhism  Zen

Versified questions and replies between T'ang emperor Shun-tsung (順宗) and Ch'an master Fo-kuang Ju-man (佛光如滿 Bukkõ Nyoman):

佛從何方來         From where did the Buddha come,
滅向何方去         To where did the Buddha go?
既言常住世         If the Buddha is still around,
佛今在何處         Where can be the Buddha found?     Shun-tsung

佛從無         From non-activity the Buddha came
滅向無         To non-activity the Buddha disappeared.
法身滿虚空         Cosmic reality his spiritual body is,
常住無心處         In no-mind the Buddha will appear. Ju-man

山河與大海         Great mountains, rivers and seas,
天地及日月         Heaven and earth, sun and moon.
時至皆歸盡         Who says there is no birth and death?
誰言不生滅         For even these meet their end soon.  Shun-tsung

生亦未曾生         Birth is also before birth,
滅亦未曾滅         Death is also before death.
了見無生處         If you have attained no-mind,
自然無法説         Naturally there will be nothing left.  Ju-man
(The Complete Book of Zen 242-3)
"Emperor Soon Zong of the Tand dynasty asked the Zen master Ru Man, in poetic style:" (The Complete Book of Zen 242)
(In The Complete Book of Zen, the longer verses are used partly to make quatrains. The original verses run as follows (the verses used in the above poems are emphasized):
Shun-tsung asked: 佛從何方來滅向何方去既言常住世佛今在何處
Ju-man replied:
Shun-tsung asked:
佛向王宮來、滅向雙林滅、住世四十九、又言無法説。山河與大海天地及日月時至皆歸盡誰言不生滅? 疑情猶若斯、智者善分別。
Ju-man replied:

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Zen Poem

Sacred-Texts        Buddhism  Zen

Cutting the Spring Breeze
Throughout heaven and earth there is not a piece of ground where a single stick could be inserted;
I am glad that all things are void, myself and the world:
Honored be the sword, three feet long, wielded by the great Yüan swordsmen;
For it is like cutting a spring breeze in a flash of lightning.
(Essays in Zen Buddhism – First Series 255 n.2)
"Tsu-yüan (1226-1286) came to Japan when the Hõjõ family was in power at Kamakura. He established the Engakuji monastery, which is one of the chief Zen monasteries in Japan. While still in China his temple was invaded by soldiers of the Yüan dynasty, who threatened to kill him, but Bukkõ was immovable and quietly uttered the following verse:" (Essays in Zen Buddhism – First Series 255 n.2)
Wu-hsüeh Tsu-yüan (無學祖元 Mugaku Sogen; also known as Fo-kuang Kuo-shih 佛光國師/Bukkõ Kokushi, 1226-1286)
Variant character in the last line 電光影斬春風 ( instead of )

There is not a room in the whole universe where one can insert even a single stick;
I see the emptiness of all things—no objects, no persons.
I admire the sword of the Great Yüan40 three feet in length:
[When it cuts at all,] it is like cutting the spring breeze with a flash of lightning.
(Zen and Japanese Culture 201-2)
40The Mongolian dynasty (1260-1367) that invaded China and replaced the Sung dynasty. (Zen and Japanese Culture 202) [ Yüan; Sung]

The heaven and earth afford me no shelter at all;
I'm glad, unreal are body and soul.
Welcome thy weapon, O warrior of Yuan! Thy trusty steel,
That flashes lightning, cuts the wind of Spring, I feel. (The Spirit of Zen 95)

Wu-hsüeh Tsu-yüan's poem is reminiscent of a poem by Seng-chao (僧肇 Sõjõ), a disciple of Kumarajiva, the founder of the San-lun (三論 Sanron) Sect of Buddhism. On the verge of death by a vagabond's sword, Seng-chao expressed his feelings in the following verse:
In body there exists no soul.
The mind is not real at all.
Now try on me thy flashing steel,
As if it cuts the wind of Spring, I feel. (file ZenHistory)

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Zen Poem

Buddha, Madras

Sacred-Texts      Buddhism Zen

幽鳥語如篁 A bird in a secluded grove sings like a flute.
柳搖金線長 Willows sway gracefully with their golden threads.
雲歸山谷静 The mountain valley grows the quieter as the clouds return.
風送杏花香 A breeze brings along the fragrance of the apricot flowers.
永日蕭然坐 For a whole day I have sat here encompassed by peace,
澄心萬 Till my mind is cleansed in and out of all cares and idle thoughts.
欲言言不及 I wish to tell you how I feel, but words fail me.
林下好商量 If you come to this grove, we can compare notes.
Ch'an master Fa-yen (法眼 Hõgen) (The Golden Age of Zen 238, 321 n.31)

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ma Lakshmi


"Lakshmi ("Good Fortune"), sometimes called Sri ("Prosperity") is the Hindu goddess of love and beauty who brings wealth. She is the wife of Vishnu, and was born from the Sea, like Aphrodite, fully grown and gorgeous.
The tale goes that the Gods were in need of renewal, and a plan was made to churn the great Ocean of Milk to make soma, the divine food that grants immortality, in the same way that cream is churned to butter. This was done on the requisite grand scale by using Mount Mandara as the churning paddle. The great snake Vasuki was wrapped around the mountain and pulled by the Gods on the one side and the Asuras or demons on the other. This produced a lot of heat (much like a bow-type firestarter works) and eventually, though the poor serpent was pretty uncomfortable being yanked this way and that, many great treasures were produced: the hoped-for soma; Parijata, the Tree of Paradise; Varuni Goddess of Wine; the Apsaras; the Sun and the Moon; and finally Lakshmi Herself, seated on an open lotus. Vishnu fell in love with Her immediately and They were wedded.
Lakshmi is a beautiful and much-beloved Goddess, and in fact Vishnu is often referred to with the title "Husband of Lakshmi". She is called the "Lotus Goddess" and is often shown holding one as Her emblem. She is also Goddess of abundance, fertility and wealth. Holly basil is sacred to Her and said to bring children. Lakshmi is sometimes represented as a basket full of rice and is depicted on coins, or with coins falling from Her hands."
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Ma Lakshmi is a benevolent Mother. She didn't hesitate to bless me, when I went to pray to Her at a Temple, in a neighbouring town, last month. She granted all my requests and sent me back home with extra Blessings.
Ma didn't mind at the fact that I'm a Muslim. The High-Priest didn't mind, either. No one seemed to care. Everyone was more than happy to be of assistance. Even Allah didn't mind.
I cannot help it. I believe that God/Universe is present everywhere; in every House of Prayer/Worship, just as the 13th Century Muslim Sufi Poet Rumi, believed.
The origin is the same ONE for all of us. You can call it, whatever name you like. No one can change a fact. This fact is the TRUTH.

I'm begining to undestand why my life is, and the way it has been.......I knew about Christianity even before I knew about my own religion. Our live-in cook, was of Christian Faith.He used to tell me all the stories of Christ and Mary. We used to look through the art history books that belonged to my sister, when I was a little girl. Gomez Bhai would tell me all the beautiful stories from the paintings, and I would listen as if they were fairy tales. My sister, then was a student of Dhaka Art College. There were plenty of Westen and Eastern Art History books, at hand. I loved listening to stories.

Then I moved with my parents to a foreign country, where I couldn't have cadbury's chocolate. Unfortunately, then it was the law in that specific country_All types of business transactions were prohibited with the Jewish Community/Origin, around the world.
Guess what? Several years later, in the same country, I along with my parents were invited for dinner, by my dad's friend's family, who were Jewish. I had a hearty meal. The family was very nice and kind. :)

I think I was trained, from my childhood, by God/Universe alone, not to get caught up in one Faith. I am extremely fortunate to have this understanding. I feel that I live in the ocean and not in a well.

Monday, December 6, 2010

13th Century Muslim Sufi Poet____ Jelaluddin Rumi

'Sacred Sufi Scroll'

Rumi is one of my favourite poets.
Here is one of his many superb creations....

I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but he was not there;
I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old Pagodas, but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched on the mountains and in the valleys
but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him.
I went to the Kabbah in Mecca, but He was not there either.

I questioned the scholars and the philosophers
but He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart and it was there where He dowelled, that I saw Him;
He was nowhere else to be found.        

Jaleluddin Rumi Rumi, I believe that God is everywhere, in Hindu Temples, Christian Churches, Pagodas, Kabbah Sharif.....

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Friday, December 3, 2010 beautiful!!!!

Steve McCurry

I don't know why, but at every first glance, this photo by the world famous photographer Steve McCurry, looks like a photo of a country in Africa. The image is so beautiful.

In a way, I could be Indian. Well, my grandparents were born in a country that was British India. So, I am pretty familiar with images from that part of the world. Besides, they are every where, these days. 

This particular image seems to me more African than Indian. Then with a second look, yes, the informations sink in. The metal anklets are more deceiving than the desert like climate. Not to miss the earthen ware.I become aware that these beautiful women are anywhere but near the African Continent.
The composition and the colour scheme are simply spectacular.

My confusion of this image is nothing but credit most aptly due to maestro Steve McCurry. I believe only Steve McCurry could make one continent look like another.

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......isn't easy

Hajj 2010

Performing Hajj isn't easy. For anyone who isn't familiar with the religious rules and regulations, it may seem like one more religious duty,
performed by many Muslims, every year.
Thats all. 

I'm affraid, it is lot more than just choosing to perform a yearly religious oblligation.
The time of the Hajj changes every year, as the Islamic calender is based on the moon. So, when the Hajj falls during the summer, the hardship every pilgrim has to endure, becomes pretty unthinkable. Not all pilgrims are born or raised in the Middle Eastern climate. And the summer in Saudi Arabia is not like that of  English summer.

Hajj 2010

The pilgrimage boils down to actual TEST of the FAITH of the followers of Islam.
Nothing more, nothing less. Many become very sick, during Hajj. Elderly pilgrims die. My own uncle became very ill, during this year's Hajj.
Yet, he stayed on, finished all duties as required, like a Momin Muslim.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

There's shanti at Shantiniketan

Looking back at Shantiniketan, after all these years, I can still feel shanti....
Visva Bharati, University founded by Rabindranath Tagore is in Shantiniketan, India.

I had been there several times, trying to get into the Art College of Visva Bharati.
It's an amazing place......almost like fairy tale.....

                                                                One of the Art School Buildings.

One of the many unique features of this peaceful land__
there is no street lighting on the roads. And there are no accidents.........I don't how and why??? No one is hurry to go any where or do anything. Everyone is relaxed and is at peace. Everything gets done as it should be.
I had met Americans studying at Visva Bharati. They had no complaints.
The library had no chairs to sit on. Everyone, including the professors would sit on the floor, put their books on low rise tables and study.

This is a classroom of one the primary schools at Visva Bharati.
The teacher sits on the wooden high rise.
Students sit on the ground.

Want to be part of the nature and study.......???
This is the place.

Everyone takes off their shoes and sandals, at the main entrance of any school or college buildings. They are never stolen even when there's no security.